This is the most common feature in any social network where you can upload picture from your computer to set as your profile pic.
On Previously it was set from your twitter account. Now you can change your profile pic by uploading pic from your computer.
Here is how you can do it:
You will see the picture icon at the right bottom corner of your profile pic. Click on it to bring the pic selection.
Next, Select pic from you computer and adjust it as you like by zooming and cropping.
Upload the pic and done!. Your new profile pic is set.
Give it a try today. Happy Weekend. :)
We are working on updates which will allow you to find the like minded people who have same interest areas from the eChai Community. So make sure to complete your profile. Here are the example of some good profile: @jatin10, @go2amitech.
Upcoming updates:
- Find people with same interest areas and skills set. Now that we will be hosting offline eChai programs across 100 Cities and all over the world - it will be interesting to get connected with people from the community across the world.
- Write insightful posts on
- Write your recommendations i.e. from where I get my business card printed, from where I get travel service provider for our group travel for eChai Diaries, our preferred hosting provider, our preferred CA and many others.
- eChai Interviews where you can ask a public question to any entrepreneur just like the QnA at eChai programs.
- Talent and Offers section where you can post your talent requirement and offers for the community
- Featuring entrepreneurs daily with their detailed interview and what kind of support they seek from the community.
- You can follow particular entrepreneurs and get regular updates.
- We are working on a #CoRiseWall where once in a week you can post a significant update from your side which you really want to share with large number of people from the community i.e. Product Update, Hiring Requirement, Company Culture etc. - #CoRiseWall will be prominently displayed in and showcased at eChai programs for more visibility.
- Online eChai Skills Challenges - App Challenge, Marketing Challenge, Business Model Challenge, Content Challenge etc.
- Better integration with online-offline eChai programs.
- And many other interesting updates.
One of the most exciting thing we will be doing as part of the launch of #CoRise social network is that - our team of photographers and editors will be visiting 100 entrepreneurs in Ahmedabad to meet them, interview them and take wonderful photos of them, their employees and their offices, interact with their colleagues , and understand more about their company culture. All these interesting content will be updates in their #CoRise profile. Do let us know if you want us to visit your place and have an eChai :-)
Cheers :)