Failures Summit 2017
April 16
Featured participants:
eChai Ventures & SDG Accelerator are hosting the 'Faillures Summit 2017' on 15th April, Saturday at DoubleO CoWorking Space from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm.
eChai Ventures is hosting the series of sector/theme specific eChai programs as part of the eChai Summer School. Over the period of two months ( April/May 2017) - we'll be having specific summits for 20+ Industry verticals and engaging programs around key skills needed to build the successful venture.
Failures Summit 2017 will have Founders from the community sharing their failure stories, their learnings, and how are they applying these learnings in their current initiatives.
Checkout the detailed story by BuddyBits about the earlier 'Failures Summit' by eChai @
Also this amazing thread on eChai, where eChai Members are sharing their Failure Stories @
Checkout the entire scheudle of eChai Summer School @
eChai is an amazing Startup Social Network which hosts engaging entrepreneurial programs across 40+ cities in India, a powerful online social network with members from across the world and also contextually curates info about global startup trends.
eChai has recently introduced eChai Membership Program - where one can pay Rs.500/per year to become the eChai Member. Checkout the membership benefits and all the other things about eChai at
...Toh Phir Ho Jaaye eChai :-)