Shitalkumar Bathia- CEO, Goverdhan Greens Resorts- Dwarka.
Shital Bathia- CEO, Goverdhan Greens Resort-Dwarka is a person of multi dimensions . Humble with his approach, he dares to take on uncharted paths, though never had any paid jobs till date.
Early days, full of energy jumped to bandwagon of Dot Coms,,, in 1998-99, he was among first few pioneers in Business to consumer e-commerce way back in 1999- just after indishop & rediff.com, indiancultureonline.com was the first venture he had created with vision to provide a platform to cultural diversity of India.
Sudden fall of Dotcoms' found him nowhere and had started his career back to Zero with a housekeeping agency in the city of Rajkot with name Cleaning Master in 2003.
Business was steady and growing during early days, when it came to expansion, a major setback struck- it was stock market crash of Jan 2008- that had made all the corporate to cut the costs left, right & center! it was rather blessing in disguise proven for Mr. Bathia as he took this incident as one of the learning stepping stone and decided to pursue his dream of having a resort.
During a presentation with CNBC Aawwaz Channel , he says "Hamara Subse Biggest Strength hai our Zero experience Status"- prior to opening up of Goverdhan Greens, he does not have any experience in hospitality or construction business. Even he says, I am still ZERO as far as experience goes, though now a smaller ZERO then what I used to be! as in his personal opinion every experience is a liability unless we learn something out of it...
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