Jatin Kataria
Jatin Kataria is known as Serial, Social & Missionary entrepreneur. At very young age he represented India/Asia 11 times. He received many awards including 2 awards from United Nations i.e. WYSA into the category of Education for all & Karmaveer Chakra as missionary entrepreneur for proactive citizen leadership.
He is professional, working with (System Thinking + Design Mindset) and having unique thought process of "PURPOSE - Process & DEEP Impact”. He directly worked with people from 33+ countries & having network in 100+ countries.
After completing his Mechanical Engineering & MBA focused on Oil & Gas, he did public sector corporate planning into energy industry with an additional profile as project engineer into renewables power plants. He completed 13 online certification courses like Design thinking, Business innovation, New venture finances, Blended learning, Developing innovative ideas for new companies from institutes like World Bank, Stanford University, University of Maryland, California, Virginia, North-western and to name a few.
o Youth advisory board member of an international think-DO-tank ‘Challenge: Future’
o Advisor of Google Business Group & Women on Web, Rajkot chapters
Founder & CEO: WE Group | Volcano of GloCal solutions
WE ShapeUp: Strategic Business & Project Management Consulting + Start-Up Consulting
WE Transform: Skill development, Training & Workshops, #DigitalIndia & #SmartPhone products
WE Our Rural World: Rural Development activities
WE Lead: Creating EcoSystem(s), Brining opportunities locally, Citizen Leadership, Community development & meaningful events, (Entrepreneurship + Youth + Citizen + women) Empowerment.
o GrowR: It is an International peer-to-peer mentorship initiative currently benefiting people from 50+ countries
1. GloCal CoWorking Space [GCS]: Empowering Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship & Entrepreneurial eco-system locally
2. Smart Failures: Quality of failure matters | Global platform to celebrate failures and share learnings from failure
3. Parinday: India Pakistan Friendship project
4. Alumni Achievers: to promote extraordinary stories of achievers globally (failed startup, relaunching soon)
Trainer & Speaker
o He is Managerial, Motivational, Social, Technical & Soft skills Trainer and shared his expertise with 50,000+ people at many national as well as international platforms as trainer, speaker, panel member or judge.
o He is editorial board member of Challenge Future & 20+ of his articles are published globally
o He is writing 2 books with title of 'Does world really understand youth?' & 'Innovation in corruption'
eChai Ventures partners with select brands as their growth partner, helping them expand market reach, drive revenue growth, amplify brand visibility, and strengthen hiring efforts.
USP: We incubate and accelerate independent and integrated tech businesses.