Krishna Kanth - Senior QA Engineer

Krishna Kanth

Senior QA Engineer
  • Bengaluru

Myself Krishna Kanth. I worked in Quality Assurence Department , testing different software applications in different startup companies and now quit my job and looking to kick start a new journey of my LIFE to Become an Successful Entrepreneur . I have Identified profitable startup idea where there is an fill of underserved demand in the Indian Market ( Nation wide ) . Interested to Network with other entrepreneurs who are on the same line to kick start there journey as same like minded and travel with me if my IDEA is really making sense and creating a bridge in our ECO SYSTEM and become a one stop solution and generate great Profits once the project is rolled out into the Market . I am also looking for INVESTERS who are interested in my Idea and looking forward with them to collabarate for my success Story .

Preferred eChai Partner Brands

eChai Ventures partners with select brands as their growth partner to expand their business and market reach.

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