Rwiju Pal - Director, Dimagi

Rwiju Pal

Director, Dimagi
  • Bengaluru, India

Currently the Director at Dimagi, a MIT Boston-based healthcare startup, where I spearhead corporate initiatives across global entities. With extensive experience in collaborating with founders to streamline processes across multiple domains, I bring a strategic and efficient approach to operational management.
Additionally, I have a strong passion for MLOps and have dedicated the past two years to personally building and deploying models to the cloud, further enhancing my expertise in the practical applications of machine learning.

Preferred eChai Partner Brands

The preferred eChai Partner Brands program offers businesses increased visibility within the eChai Network.

About preferred eChai Partner Brands program:

The preferred eChai Partner Brands program offers businesses increased visibility within the eChai Network.

  • Prominent Listing: Feature on the Preferred eChai Partner Brands page for a full year.
  • Engagement Opportunities: Participate in approximately five highly relevant in-person eChai Meetups annually, providing direct engagement with potential partners, customers, and investors.
  • Feature Spotlight: Feature on eChai.Ventures feed, highlighting the brand's story, achievements, and offerings to a founders community.

Connect with Jatin Chaudhary, Co-Founder of eChai Ventures, to learn more about how brands are leveraging this program. Reach out via WhatsApp or via email [email protected].