More about Sappa Sairam Yadav

SarvHr Provides End to End HR Solutions:
HR Consulting Services - Designing customized HR processes, providing tailor made solutions, industry specific people practices for business alignment and cultural improvement.
Data Management Services - Managing and processing employee lifecycle related data through automated systems and using it for better insights.
Process Management Services - Covers 4 most critical, technology enabled, HR interventions that are essential periodically for any organization.

Preferred eChai Partner Brands

The preferred eChai Partner Brands program offers businesses increased visibility within the eChai Network through an annual subscription.

About preferred eChai Partner Brands program:

The preferred eChai Partner Brands program offers businesses increased visibility within the eChai Network through an annual subscription.

Key benefits:

  • Prominent Listing: Feature on the Preferred eChai Partner Brands page for a full year..
  • Engagement Opportunities: Participate in approximately five highly relevant in-person eChai Meetups annually, providing direct engagement with potential partners, customers, and investors.
  • Feature Spotlight: Feature on eChai.Ventures feed, highlighting the brand's story, achievements, and offerings to a founders community.

Connect with Jatin Chaudhary, Co-Founder of eChai Ventures, to learn more about how brands are leveraging this program. Reach out via WhatsApp or via email [email protected].