Ecommerce Masterclass Chennai : Insight Talks + Startup Demos
May 19, 2018
Featured participants:
eChai Chennai and AtWorks will be hosting the Ecommerce Masterclass Chennai on 19th May, Saturday from 4 pm to 6 pm.
eCommerce Masterclass will cover major aspects of building a successful eCommerce venture :
- Choosing the right technology platform
- Identifying the best payment gateways
- Working with relevant Logistics Partners
- Digital Marketing for your venture and generating sales
- Selling on multiple eCommerce marketplaces and others.
We'll be joined by leading eCommerce Founders & professionals to share their insights and interact with participants.
This program is designed for eCommerce founders & eCommerce enthusiasts.
- Introductions (15 Mins)
- Insights Talks + Panel Discussion ( 75 Mins )
- Startup Demos ( 30 Mins)
1. Rajesh Nahar (Cbazaar)
2. Isaac John Wesley( Inkmonk's
3. Barath Raam (Jewlot)
Event Details:
Date: 19th May, Saturday Time: 4 pm to 6 pm.
Venue: AtWorks Alwarpet, 3rd Floor, Swathi Centre New No.5,, Ananda Rd, Alwarpet, Chennai.
Do send us an email at [email protected] in you want to share your Work Culture story with the community.
About eChai Ventures:
eChai is an amazing offline-online Startup Social Network which helps you grow your Startup #CoRise Network, Get more business and CoLearn with the community.
Check out the eChai membership benefits and all the other things about eChai at