SaaS Summit 2017
April 13, 2017
Featured participants:
eChai Ventures is hosting the series of sector/theme specific eChai programs as part of the eChai Summer School. Over the period of two months ( April/May 2017) - we'll be having specific summits for 20+ Industry verticals and engaging programs around key skills needed to build the successful venture.
Format of SaaS Summit 2017 @ eChai Summer School:
- Panel discussions with SaaS Entrepreneurs
- Demo Pitches from promising SaaS Startups
- Online #eChaiQnA about SaaS - where you can ask any Qs to speakers and/or community. ie.
Speakers & Presenters for SaaS Summit 2017:
- Vaibhav Jain, Co-Founder, Hubilo
- Yash Shah, Co-Founder, Gridle,
- Suraj Vazirani, Co-Founder, DSYH,
- Deep Patel, COO, Zybra
- Ankit Dudhwewala, Co-Founder, CallHippo & SoftwareSuggest
Checkout the contextualy curated #eChai stories about SaaS:
1.SaasX 4 Chennai 2017 : Survival Is Not Enough @
2. #SaaSx3 : Where the league of eXtraordinary #SaaS Hackers Meet @
3. #PNGrowth : The biggest software entrepreneur school in India @
4. #MVIChat : Microsoft Ventures India's Twitter Chat on Mobile SaaS @
5. Livestreamed video of earlier eChai SaaS Forum @
6. Curated list of SaaS Startups/Ventures in Ahmedabad @
Checkout the entire scheudle of eChai Summer School @
eChai is an amazing Startup Social Network which hosts engaging entrepreneurial programs across 40+ cities in India, a powerful online social network with members from across the world and also contextually curates info about global startup trends.
eChai has recently introduced eChai Membership Program - where one can pay Rs.500/per year to become the eChai Member. Checkout the membership benefits and all the other things about eChai at
...Toh Phir Ho Jaaye eChai :-)