Vaishnavi Ketharnathan - Founding Marketer,

Vaishnavi Ketharnathan

Founding Marketer,

More about Vaishnavi Ketharnathan

With 5 years of B2B marketing experience, I've honed my skills to help people fall in love with products. I went on to pursue my MBA to learn the tricks to handle big budgets, impossible deadlines & demanding stakeholders. Currently, you will find me working on all things marketing at I’m trying to use my MBA lessons to tie strategy and marketing to help move Trainn from Zero to One.  

Featured speaker at previous eChai events:
Preferred eChai Partner Brands

The preferred eChai Partner Brands program offers businesses increased visibility within the eChai Network.

About preferred eChai Partner Brands program:

The preferred eChai Partner Brands program offers businesses increased visibility within the eChai Network.

  • Prominent Listing: Feature on the Preferred eChai Partner Brands page for a full year.
  • Engagement Opportunities: Participate in approximately five highly relevant in-person eChai Meetups annually, providing direct engagement with potential partners, customers, and investors.
  • Feature Spotlight: Feature on eChai.Ventures feed, highlighting the brand's story, achievements, and offerings to a founders community.

Connect with Jatin Chaudhary, Co-Founder of eChai Ventures, to learn more about how brands are leveraging this program. Reach out via WhatsApp or via email [email protected].