Vikram Bharati - Founder, Draper Startup House

Vikram Bharati

Founder, Draper Startup House

More about Vikram Bharati

Draper Startup House is the NEW INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE consisting of physical business hubs, education services, venture capital and technology services. With presence in 25 countries, our mission is to expand to 100 countries by 2030 and help create 1 million news businesses worldwide through our global business ecosystem.

Signing up on our website is completely free! If you encounter any issues with profile or notice something unusual, please don't hesitate to report it to us. We're here to help ensure a smooth and secure experience.
πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡¬ Singapore: Enterprise Singapore is leading a business delegation to Estonia and seeking promising Singaporean companies to join them.

Calling all Singapore-based #startups and #founders!

Explore #Estonia, one of the world's most spectacular countries. We proudly established Draper Startup House presence there years ago πŸš€

What does Estonia share in common with Singapore? A vibrant digital economy and a launchpad to our respective regions.

Estonia has a world-class track record in building unicorns. So far, Estonia has been the birthplace of 10 unicorn Startups:

➑ Skype in 2005
➑ Playtech in 2007
➑ Wise in 2015
➑ Bolt in 2018
➑ Pipedrive in 2020
➑ Zego, and Gelato in 2021
➑ Veriff and Glia in 2022

That’s 7.7 unicorns per million capita, that's the highest in the world!

Join this seminar to find out more on how you can tap into opportunities in Estonia and across Europe! Hear firsthand from our lineup of experts:

Ambassador H.E. Priit Turk (Estonian Embassy in Singapore), Liisi Org (CEO of Latitude59), Carmen Raal (Digital Transformation Adviser e-Estonia), Vijay Sirse (Founder of Destiny Energy Pte Ltd)

Register here:
πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡¬ Singapore: We appreciate everyone who joined us at the eChai Ventures event at Draper Startup HouseΒ 

#Singapore last night! Special thanks to Shilpa S Nath and Anna Rehermann for their valuable contributions as speakers and moderators πŸ™Œ

45+ amazing humans came together last night for the @eChaiVentures event at Draper Startup House in #Singapore to learn, share experiences, connect with each other, and to grow together as a community.
πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡¬ Singapore: Unleashing our inner tigers πŸ… It was fantastic to meet a delegation of 18 Startups from India who visited us at Draper Startup House #singapore today

Organised by Carve Startup Labs πŸš€
➑ Alisha Davis
➑ Vishnu Nagaraj

Startup Delegation:
➑ Ramees Ali, Founder of Interval
➑ Dipti Sundar Mohanty, Founder of Mo Ambulance
➑ Midhun A kunj, Founder of Vowels 9M Healthcare Private Limited
➑ Soumya Bhattacharya, Founder of SustLabs
➑ Bhavana M., Founder of Bert Labs
➑ Sreenivas Paluvuri, Founder of VEHITO
➑ Bikash Mohanty, Founder of Smaket Solutions Pvt Ltd
➑ Meenu Sasikumar, Founder of AMG Invest Financial Services
➑ Layak Singh, Founder of
➑ Rohit Kochar, Founder of Bert Labs
➑ Karan Deep Singh from Anscer Robotics
➑ Sarat Tadanki from JK Nanosolutions
➑ Jitendra Saini, Cofounder of AquaAirX
➑ Prabhu Stavarmath from Bharat Pi
➑ Havish Sreenath from Infiction Labs
➑ Jayasudan Munsamy, Founder of DeepVisionTech.AI
➑ Raghavendra G. Shetty from RDL Technologies Pvt Ltd
➑ Susheel Chilashetty, Founder of Rootstart

Thank you to the wonderful speakers:
➑ Jaclyn Benstead
➑ Ashish Jain
➑ Anna Joke Breimer Bharati
Featured speaker at previous eChai events:
eChai Partner Brands

eChai Ventures partners with select brands as their growth partner, helping them expand market reach, drive revenue growth, amplify brand visibility, and strengthen hiring efforts.

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