Geetika Saluja - Present Position: (1)  Head Varmora Groups Centre For Excellence, 
(2) Director, Programs and Development, Institue of Advanced Research, Gandhinagar
(3) Director, Cassagroup of Companies
(4) Partner, Boho Homes

Contact No. 9824260880	
Ph.D.	Education (CTU, 2015)
Post Graduation	M.Sc(Mircobiology), M.Ed
Work Experience	20+ years

Research Interest:
Integration of life skills with academic skills in curriculum designing.
Converting competitive classrooms into cooperative classrooms.
Education in Sustainable Development.
Corporate communication.

Evaluator at National Children’s Science Congress for National levels.
ISA coordinator for ISA (International School Awards) an initiative of British Council.
During the IASCE conference at University of Hull, I was awarded the book ‘Finnish Lesson’ for sharing the ‘Best idea on How to incorporate Cooperative learning in the classroom?’ by PasiSahleberg - Director General of CIMO (Centre for International Mobility and Cooperation) at the Ministry of Education and Culture, Finland.
My research paper on Cooperative learning was acknowledged and has received GTA – Global Teacher Accreditation Award with Commendation by British Council.
Shortlisted for ParyavaranMitra teacher award by CEE and NCERT.
Awarded for Best poster among teachers category at the ParyavaranMitraMela by CEE, NCERT and RTC, Ajmer.
My efforts with my team ensured that our educational institute was awarded by NCERT and CEE as Best ParyavaranMitraschool.
Received appreciation for participating in pilot study of implementation of online diploma programme, ‘Young Masters Programme’ (YMP) on Sustainable Development of Lund University Sweden - endorsed by UNESCO in 2014.
Awarded ‘Create to Inspire’ Exemplary teacher and Exemplary Leaders by Microsoft and CEE Certificate of Appreciation by ‘Wipro Earthian Programme’ for ‘Water and Sustainability’ program.
As Judge for city level school civic project at ‘BalaJaanagraha 2014-15 Civic Project’ at Zydus School of Excellence, Ahmedabad.
Certificate of Appreciation by Pollution Control Board, Gujarat and WastePro for contribution in Conservation of Environment, 2016.

Latest Five Publications
1. Saluja, G. (2014, August). Getting Future Ready, Teacher Plus, Retrieved from
2. Saluja, G. (2013). Teaching Science Through Cooperative Learning Strategies, Reflective Practitioners—Journeys of Action Research from India, British Council. Retrieved from on%202013.pdf .
3. Saluja, G. (2015). Teaching Science through Cooperative Learning Strategies’, Innovation in English Language Teacher Education, 213-220, British Council. Retrieved from ISBN 978-0-86355-765-1.
4. Saluja, G. and Yagnik, M.K. (2015). Effectiveness of Co-operative Learning Method on Achievement in Science in Relation to Certain Variables for Upper Primary School Students, Education and Society, APH Publishing House, New Delhi, 4(1), 221-245. ISSN N 2319 -9687.
Saluja, G. (2016, December 20). OPINION | Need of Education for 21st Century. Retrieved from o2mYyYBYo66pQ%3D%3D ISSN 2381-3652.
5. Saluja, G. (2016, December 27). Benefits of Effective Cooperative Learning,, Retrieved from ISSN 2381-3652.

Additional Information
Member of IASCE: International Association for the Study of Cooperation in Education.
Member of ActiveTraffic Consultative Committee, (ATCC).
Member of : GEAERD: Global Educators Association for Educational Research and Development.
Member of Global India Bharat Vikas.
Gujarat Coordinator, TRAX, An NGO working on road safety.

As speaker have shared my views on life skills, enterpreneurs mindset and Works skill on various platforms 

Have organsied varius programs to connect academia-industry, industry-professionals

Geetika Saluja

Present Position: (1) Head Varmora Groups Centre For Excellence, (2) Director, Programs and Development, Institue of Advanced Research, Gandhinagar (3) Director, Cassagroup of Companies (4) Partner, Boho Homes Contact No. 9824260880 Email [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Ph.D. Education (CTU, 2015) Post Graduation M.Sc(Mircobiology), M.Ed Work Experience 20+ years Research Interest: Integration of life skills with academic skills in curriculum designing. Converting competitive classrooms into cooperative classrooms. Education in Sustainable Development. Corporate communication. Awards/Honours Evaluator at National Children’s Science Congress for National levels. ISA coordinator for ISA (International School Awards) an initiative of British Council. During the IASCE conference at University of Hull, I was awarded the book ‘Finnish Lesson’ for sharing the ‘Best idea on How to incorporate Cooperative learning in the classroom?’ by PasiSahleberg - Director General of CIMO (Centre for International Mobility and Cooperation) at the Ministry of Education and Culture, Finland. My research paper on Cooperative learning was acknowledged and has received GTA – Global Teacher Accreditation Award with Commendation by British Council. Shortlisted for ParyavaranMitra teacher award by CEE and NCERT. Awarded for Best poster among teachers category at the ParyavaranMitraMela by CEE, NCERT and RTC, Ajmer. My efforts with my team ensured that our educational institute was awarded by NCERT and CEE as Best ParyavaranMitraschool. Received appreciation for participating in pilot study of implementation of online diploma programme, ‘Young Masters Programme’ (YMP) on Sustainable Development of Lund University Sweden - endorsed by UNESCO in 2014. Awarded ‘Create to Inspire’ Exemplary teacher and Exemplary Leaders by Microsoft and CEE Certificate of Appreciation by ‘Wipro Earthian Programme’ for ‘Water and Sustainability’ program. As Judge for city level school civic project at ‘BalaJaanagraha 2014-15 Civic Project’ at Zydus School of Excellence, Ahmedabad. Certificate of Appreciation by Pollution Control Board, Gujarat and WastePro for contribution in Conservation of Environment, 2016. Latest Five Publications 1. Saluja, G. (2014, August). Getting Future Ready, Teacher Plus, Retrieved from 2. Saluja, G. (2013). Teaching Science Through Cooperative Learning Strategies, Reflective Practitioners—Journeys of Action Research from India, British Council. Retrieved from on%202013.pdf . 3. Saluja, G. (2015). Teaching Science through Cooperative Learning Strategies’, Innovation in English Language Teacher Education, 213-220, British Council. Retrieved from ISBN 978-0-86355-765-1. 4. Saluja, G. and Yagnik, M.K. (2015). Effectiveness of Co-operative Learning Method on Achievement in Science in Relation to Certain Variables for Upper Primary School Students, Education and Society, APH Publishing House, New Delhi, 4(1), 221-245. ISSN N 2319 -9687. Saluja, G. (2016, December 20). OPINION | Need of Education for 21st Century. Retrieved from o2mYyYBYo66pQ%3D%3D ISSN 2381-3652. 5. Saluja, G. (2016, December 27). Benefits of Effective Cooperative Learning,, Retrieved from ISSN 2381-3652. Additional Information Member of IASCE: International Association for the Study of Cooperation in Education. Member of ActiveTraffic Consultative Committee, (ATCC). Member of : GEAERD: Global Educators Association for Educational Research and Development. Member of Global India Bharat Vikas. Gujarat Coordinator, TRAX, An NGO working on road safety. As speaker have shared my views on life skills, enterpreneurs mindset and Works skill on various platforms Have organsied varius programs to connect academia-industry, industry-professionals

I believe in “The purpose of human life is to seed the courage to dream big and then to empower oneself with the required knowledge, skills and attitude for the realisation of its purpose. During the journey of the dream visualisation, empowerment and its realisation do influence and inspire others”

With a simple pursuit in realising my dreams and with a keen desire to increase my circle of influence of mutual learning, sharing, influencing and inspiring I have consciously empowered myself with various roles as an Educationist, Entrepreneur, Researcher and life skills coach

I enjoy creation and Head Varmora Centre for Excellence. The Varmora group is primary into manufacturing tiles, bathware, plastic homeware and furniture. The Excellence centre is conceptualised with the aim of empowering business drivers for personal excellence leading to professional excellence.

As Director for Programs and Development at University and Institute of Advanced Research, Gandhinagar I support the institute in developing learner-centric programs with the academia-industry partnership. The University conducts fundamental / applied / analytical research in the frontier areas of science with the ultimate objective of contributing to high quality basic research and human resource development and to find the application of the research results for the benefit of mankind.

As a founder of Sarvan Education: Recently I have initiated Sarvam with an aim of facilitating educational institutes to inculcate life skills and work skills within the school curriculum

As Director of ‘Cassagroup’ which designs and manufactures architectural products for home and garden & is certified by Forest Stewardship Council.

I am also co-creating ‘BOHO Homes’ a unique business design display centre for home, garden and architectural products coming soon on S. P Ring Road, Near Bopal

Have received awards of
• Global Teacher Accreditation Award by British Council.
• ‘Best idea on How to incorporate Cooperative learning in the classroom?’ by Pasi Sahleberg - Director General of CIMO (Centre for International Mobility and Cooperation) at the Ministry of Education and Culture, Finland.
Her work in the field of Environment Education to foster leadership skills among students while solving problems related to environment is appreciated by
• ‘Paryavaran Mitra teacher’ award on National level by NCERT and CEE
• ‘Create to Inspire Leadership’ award by Microsoft and CEE
• ‘Wipro Earthian Award’ by Wipro and CEE
And many more

I have mentored students and educators for Young Masters Program (YMP) of Lund University Sweden and UNESCO and also Young Leaders for Change (YLC).

She invests her time in educating parents and students to wear a helmet as pillion riders and has till date has sensitised 20000+ students and parents with respect to traffic safety and have distributed 3000 helmets to students as pillion riders coming from the lesser privileged sections
My strength lies in empowering youth, educators and businessman with life, leadership and Professional work skills that are required to lead a fulfilling and successful life. She believes in ‘Being a Change Agent and in the process, Learn, Influence and Inspire others’

eChai Partner Brands

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HR Tech and Agencies
Developer Tools
  • USP: ZenDevX is a No-Code development tool that saves 90% of development time & cost and generates source code in MERN, Laravel and PHP.
    Ideal for: Enterprises, Startups, IT Agencies and Freelancers
    Clients: IDMC, Polycab, Emerson, HEL, Holistic, OrthoCare
Investment Banking
IT Hardware
Branding and Marketing
Event Marketing
  • USP: AllEvents' event ticketing software helps you reach 20M+ event tickets seekers to sell tickets online & boost your event ticket sales.
    Ideal for: Event Organizers, Concert Organizers
    Clients: Bhutan Tourism, Odisha Tourism

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