At the Raksha Bandhan celebration hosted by Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav MPIDC RO-Bhopal MSME-TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT CENTRE (PPDCAGRA) at Minto Hall, where 800 incredible women entrepreneurs gathered, SOQO had the honor of being showcased as one of Bhopal’s marquee startups.
Amidst the festivities, a lady found herself in a tricky spot—without access to period products at such a high-profile event. Don’t be surprised this is a stark reality at ALL PLACES not just here but also 5 star hotels, schools, museum or any public place for that matter.
In her moment of need, SOQO stepped in with our leakproof undies literally meant to save the day for unexpected leaks including sogginess from pee, periods, discharge or sweat proving that we’re here to make a difference in real-life situations. 🌟 so glad this picture also made it to peoplessamachar 🥰✨
Amidst the festivities, a lady found herself in a tricky spot—without access to period products at such a high-profile event. Don’t be surprised this is a stark reality at ALL PLACES not just here but also 5 star hotels, schools, museum or any public place for that matter.
In her moment of need, SOQO stepped in with our leakproof undies literally meant to save the day for unexpected leaks including sogginess from pee, periods, discharge or sweat proving that we’re here to make a difference in real-life situations. 🌟 so glad this picture also made it to peoplessamachar 🥰✨
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