Udit Goenka - Founder, PitchGround & FirstSales.io

Udit Goenka

Founder, PitchGround & FirstSales.io

More about Udit Goenka

At the age of 16, with 256 Kbps Internet speed, I started my career as a self-taught graphic designer. 

After landing a few projects, I was hungry to keep learning more, and that's how I landed in web development. 

At the age of 18, while still pursuing my education, I launched my first product around WordPress security, which did wonder. It not only paid for my entire education but helped me become financially independent as a teenager.

However, I exited that project and continued with my college and freelance development. 

At the age of 20, I met my first co-founder Oscar Hernandez (He has been my co-founder ever since in everything that we do), known as Power Up Hosting; I ran the company for over 7-years before exiting. 

At 24, I started India's first PBN Hosting platform, which I later exited in 2017. 

My life changed when I launched my third startup, which failed severely and changed my whole life. 

It taught me some of the most valuable life lessons, including management, team hiring, and more. 

The failure of my third startup gave me the idea of PitchGround (My most successful startup to date, currently valued at $20m as of 2022). PitchGround is a SaaS Marketplace that bridges the gap between early-stage SaaS companies and early adopters, small-medium-sized businesses. 

With over 92% of the SaaS companies failing in the first three years of their business, our mission was to resolve this unresolved market worth over $200 billion. 

During this journey, I met my second co-founder Lukas Liesis, building the company's core foundation. 

Launched PitchGround on the 25th of September 2018, PitchGround has done over $5m in sales as a bootstrapped company, something our entire team is proud of. 

PitchGround has helped hundreds of companies and has seen over 80% of companies succeeding who are launching with us, out of which 15% of the companies can successfully raise capital post launching their SaaS on our platform. 

At PitchGround, we firmly believe in our 3P philosophy for any founder who wants to achieve a product-market fit - Product, People & Pricing (Same format). 

In 2021, I started Angel Investment, and so far, I have invested in 34 startups; I mentor some of them to give back to the community. 

In 2022, I rebuilt my previous failure, known as https://firstsales.io, which is doing $700k ARR as of October 2023. 

If you are a small business, do check out PitchGround and save up to 95% on your software bills - https://pitchground.com/deals

If you are looking to resolve your sales issues then check out - https://firstsales.io

Got any questions or want to connect with me? Please send me an email at [email protected].

We are hiring! 

We have the following open positions (minimum 2 years experience for all profiles) 

- Social Media Manager
- Backend Javascript Developer (NodeJS) 
- Salesperson for closing x 3 (On high commission basis) 

Location: Remote 
Role: Full Time

If you have experience in SaaS industry, then you will be preferred 
Sales is easy people overcomplicate it.

Here are 10 sales book that everyone should read to become better with sales. (I have marked one of them as my favorite)

1. Don't Sell Make them Buy : Upgrade Your Selling Skills by R. Mukund
Link: https://amzn.to/41dF2Au

2. Secrets Of Closing The Sale by Zig Zigler
Link: https://amzn.to/3B4L6Ap

3. Predictable Revenue: Turn Your Business Into a Sales Machine by Aaron Ross. (One of my favorite book of all time)
Link: https://amzn.to/3IbRGt9

4. The Challenger Sale by Brent Adamson
Link: https://amzn.to/3NI5I9k

5. To Sell is Human by Daniel H. Pink
Link: https://amzn.to/3B2nI6I

6. Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss
Link: https://lnkd.in/d7aAJSQq

7. Way of the Wolf: Straight line selling by Jordan Belfort
Link: https://lnkd.in/dYuPXjkJ

8. The Art of Closing the Sale by Brian Tracy
Link: https://amzn.to/3M4AVSV

9. The One Minute Sales Person by Spencer Johnson
Link: https://lnkd.in/dHvJesRs

10. How To Sell Anything To Anybody by Joe Girard
Link: https://amzn.to/3ph2NKG

These 10 books helped me a lot in learning about sales, and I'm sure they'll help you too.

Do you have any recommendation? Let me know in the comments below 👇
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About preferred eChai Partner Brands program:

The preferred eChai Partner Brands program offers businesses increased visibility within the eChai Network.

  • Prominent Listing: Feature on the Preferred eChai Partner Brands page for a full year.
  • Engagement Opportunities: Participate in approximately five highly relevant in-person eChai Meetups annually, providing direct engagement with potential partners, customers, and investors.
  • Feature Spotlight: Feature on eChai.Ventures feed, highlighting the brand's story, achievements, and offerings to a founders community.

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