Bengaluru > eChai Buzz Feed
Answered some interesting questions at eChai Ventures SaaS meetup in Bangalore! 

Glad to be part of the panel. :)
Attended an event after a looooong looong while.

And it was the Bangalore SaaS meetup by eChai Ventures and Draper Startup House

Learned some good deal of things from
Sai Krishna - Chief Super Officer, Sai Krishna
around thinking about MVPs and what it took him to build Superblog ai. and also from
Amit Chavan - Co-founder CTO @ Vibtree 
Amit Chavan

The highlights from my notes say:

- B2C is hard. Sigh.
- Build stuff for yourself, solve your own problem.
- Do primary research by looking over trends.
- Consumer behavior change revolves around three axes: Energy, time, and money.
- Your first set of customers will come from your Alpha and beta users.
- Your organic channels could be from either of these:
  - SEO
  - Build in public
  - Word of mouth
- Good PMs follow revenue/business.
- Sales is getting the cheque in hand.

- SEO in the future might take a different form, could evolve into chat engine optimization.

And got connected to a few interesting folks as well.

Looking forward to more such.
Had an incredible time at the eChai Startup Social Event! Connecting with professionals from diverse industry like #Technology, #Healthcare, #Food, #entertainment, #CA, #Sales & #Marketing was truly enlightening.
Throughout the event, we engaged in insightful discussions covering a spectrum of industries. From sharing experiences of success to reflecting on lessons learned from failures, our collaborative efforts aimed at fostering growth and development were truly enriching.

The enthusiasm and shared experiences highlighted the vibrant spirit of our startup ecosystem. It was pleasure moderate the event and share knowledge.

🚀 Recently, I had the opportunity to join an insightful panel alongside some incredible minds - Vandana Jain from Evident Capital, Priyank Jain, Co-founder of Soup-X, and the insightful moderator, Riten (Fueler).

Initially, I had my reservations, but thanks to Jatin Chaudhary's generosity in extending multiple invites, I decided to dive in. Grateful that I could overcome my inhibitions.

I questioned whether I could bring anything new to the table, considering my previous engagements on similar topics. It felt like everything I could share was already out there, accessible as playbooks or online courses. And as for my own and my brand's journey, well, it's right there on the internet for anyone to read.

But here's what this experience taught me:

1. Sometimes, we underestimate the value of our unique insights and journeys. We might think we've shared enough knowledge already, but there's always a fresh perspective or a new angle to offer. Your experiences are your own, and they can resonate with others on their own entrepreneurial journey.

2. The D2C space in India has indeed seen its fair share of repetition, especially in the post-COVID world. It's easy to fall into the same patterns and practices, but true pioneers stand out through innovation. Let's challenge the status quo and explore ways to set ourselves apart, beyond just products and sales channels.

Speaking at Draper Startup House and eChai Ventures event(s) is always a joy, and this time, it reminded me of the unique energy in Bangalore's startup ecosystem. It's an energy unlike any other, with an audience whose enthusiasm and thirst for knowledge were truly palpable.

And as we navigate the D2C landscape in India, let's remember that innovation, sustainable growth and authenticity are our guiding lights. While fundraising remains crucial, our focus should remain on building robust foundations, delivering exceptional customer experiences, and nurturing our long-term vision.

Here's to more enriching conversations and pushing the boundaries of D2C in Bharat! 🚀🇮🇳
I had an amazing time engaging with fellow entrepreneurs and enthusiasts in the startup community. The atmosphere was charged with an extraordinary level of passion and energy.

A bit thank you to Jatin Chaudhary & eChai Ventures for organising it.

A shout out to Puneeth Suraana for being such a good moderator.

Had a fab time sharing my Shark Tank India journey at this wonderful eChai Ventures evening!

It always gives me immense joy to be able to share my learnings and lessons from building Amrutam with budding entrepreneurs and start-up enthusiasts.

I also feel grateful to be given a platform to talk about crucial topics that are not spoken enough about, like mental health and female representation in business.

Learned a lot from my fellow Shark Tank founders Dhruv Soni Arun Agarwal Priyank Jain and Saif Shaikh :)
I am forever grateful to Jatin Chaudhary #eChai for introducing me to Sohil Patel, who has been a true friend and mentor for the past decade.

Sohil's guidance and support have been invaluable to my personal and professional growth. Here's a throwback picture from our last dinner together at the beautiful lakeside in Udaipur.

#iimahmedabad #grateful #friendship
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Preferred eChai Partner Brands

The preferred eChai Partner Brands program offers businesses increased visibility within the eChai Network.

About preferred eChai Partner Brands program:

The preferred eChai Partner Brands program offers businesses increased visibility within the eChai Network.

  • Prominent Listing: Feature on the Preferred eChai Partner Brands page for a full year.
  • Engagement Opportunities: Participate in approximately five highly relevant in-person eChai Meetups annually, providing direct engagement with potential partners, customers, and investors.
  • Feature Spotlight: Feature on eChai.Ventures feed, highlighting the brand's story, achievements, and offerings to a founders community.

Connect with Jatin Chaudhary, Co-Founder of eChai Ventures, to learn more about how brands are leveraging this program. Reach out via WhatsApp or via email [email protected].